About Us
Canited International Industries Corporation is a marketing and distribution company dedicated to introducing superior and innovative health and food products.
The company has a long standing history with Nissan Chemical Health Food products, one of Japan’s leading manufacturers in the health food supplement industry. When Canited introduced Nissan Reishi to the rest of the world in 1983, there were no other Reishi products available outside of Japan. Now NISSAN Reishi® can be found readily across the world.
With offices and a full channel of world distribution set up in Asia, North America and Europe, the Canited group is the ideal candidate for those interested in distributing and marketing health and food products internationally.
Established in 1980, Canited International Industries Corporation was first setup as a marketing firm for introducing innovative products to the general public. Since then, Canited has focused their efforts on the health and food industry, and consistently proven its ability as a leading global marketing company through various ventures with products such as NISSAN Reishi®, Nuclear Gold and Oceanbright® Super DHA 100.
Today Canited has offices in Canada and Hong Kong, Vietnam, and a full distribution channel network across Asia, North America and Europe.
Canited International Industries Corporation’s goal is to continue to source high-quality health and food products and make it available to the general public.
Canited owes its past success to committing to only market products of the highest quality, through careful planning and well-defined business strategies; a practice that continues today.
With offices and a full channel of world distribution set up in Asia, North America and Europe; Canited is the ideal candidate for those interested in distributing and marketing products internationally.
We invite you to learn more about Canited International and how we can work with you.
Managing Director’s Message
Since the founding of our company by my father in 1980, Canited International Industries Corporation has been more than successful at introducing various products into new foreign markets. From our first endeavor, marketing licensed television programming on video cassettes from Asia in Canada, to our continuing partnership with Nissan Reishi since 1984, we have been first-movers in the market.
Through the years we have been expanding and diversifying our product line, but in recent years we have decided to focus our resources and attention on our core business — superior health food products. Aside from our better known Nissan Reishi product, we have recently added Oceanbright Super DHA 100 and Nuclear Gold to our product line as well.
With the general public becoming more educated on the connection between their health and diet, we have been seeing a constant growth in the number of natural health products on the market. Our goal is to continue working with the best companies in the industry to provide the public with only the highest-quality goods.
Michael Wong
Managing Director